A new study found Facebook "feels" like an addiction - and that's why taking a break or flat-out abandoning the social media site proves so difficult.
But there are some things to keep in mind when trying to kick the habit.
Researchers from Cornell studied more than 5,000 surveys from participants involved in a project where they tried to stay off Facebook for 99 days, called the 99 Days of Freedom Project, Keith Wagstaff wrote for NBC News.
The researchers concluded participants "were more likely to log back on if they had described Facebook as addictive," NBC reported.
And some people's accounts documented in the survey showed just how tough ignoring the urge to log on is.
"In the first 10 days, I thought about Facebook a lot," NBC News quoted one participant as writing. "Whenever I opened up a browser, my fingers would automatically go to 'F.' On day nine, I had a dream about accidentally logging in to Facebook - which showed that I was consciously thinking about it."
Kate Bratskeir noted for The Huffington Post two other reasons fleeing Facebook takes effort: People rely on Facebook to affect how other people think of them, and if they're in a bad mood.
The latter is a bit confusing considering studies on Facebook's link to users' moods, according to the Post.
"This is particularly interesting because other research has found that Facebook can put you in a bad mood," the Post's piece read. "If you're feeling down, Facebook probably isn't the best place to turn to for a pick-me-up."
So what's factor No. 4 in people returning to the site?
Participants not having other social media accounts, according to CTV News. The researchers found people who used sites like Twitter or Instagram were less likely to return.
CTV News detailed what study co-author Eric Baumer said people should keep in mind with the study: One, making decisions in regards to social media isn't easy, and two, users struggling to quit Facebook reap some benefits from it.
"These results show just how difficult daily decisions about social media use can be. In addition to concerns over personal addiction, people are reluctant about corporations collecting, analyzing and potentially monetizing their personal information," CTV news quoted Baumer as saying. "Facebook also serves numerous important social functions, in some cases providing the only means for certain groups to keep in touch. These results highlight the complexities involved in people's ongoing decisions about how to use, or not use, social media."
Stacy Liberatore wrote for Daily Mail of a few statistics that show Facebook's role in society.
There are 1.31 billion mobile active users, and the Daily Mail reported each 60 seconds sees 510 comments posted, 293,000 statuses updated and 136,000 photos uploaded on Facebook.
Also, users ages 25 to 34 constitute 29.7 percent of the site's visitors, which is the most common demographic, according to Daily Mail.