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These suggestions are not resolutions, they are simply ideas to consider adopting into your routine. They can be easily incorporated into your everyday life. They are the kind of actions that will bring peace and contentment to you and brighten the lives of others around you.

1. Greet God every morning with a prayer of gratitude

2. Smile more at loved ones and strangers

#bigsmile #hugesmile #curly #nofilter

A photo posted by Göksenin Ülker (@gokseninulker) on

3. Be kind while driving, and forgive others when they are inconsiderate of you

4. Listen to more music that uplifts you

5. Read the comics section of the newspaper

6. Watch just enough news to be informed, but not so much that you become burdened with it

7. Give people the benefit of the doubt, and assume they are struggling with their own problems

8. Forgive someone who has offended you

9. Forgive yourself for mistakes you've made

10. Call your mom and dad and tell them you love them

11. Call your sister and tell her you're thinking of her

12. Call your brother and ask how he's doing

13. Tell your boss you appreciate the opportunity to work for her/him

14. Compliment a co-worker

15. Be grateful you have a job and notice the things you like about it

16. Give a stranger a compliment while standing in line

17. Tell a struggling young mother that you admire her patience

18. Tell the parents of a baby that their little one is adorable

Kinda a funny pic , but looking like me here ! #bigmouth #hugesmile

A photo posted by Jamievandament (@jamievandament) on

19. Pay for a single mom's meal at lunch time-anonymously

20. Pay your bills on time and feel the relief

21. Thank the mail person for delivering your mail

22. Breathe deeply and feel the renewal it brings

23. Eat more vegetables

24. Eat more fruit-try some new ones

25. Drink more water

26. Read a few passages from your Bible before going to sleep

27. Go to church

28. Memorize a passage of scripture that particularly uplifts you

29. Memorize the first and last verses of the national anthem

30. Fly the flag on national holidays and be grateful for a great nation

31. Plan a weekend getaway with your spouse, and follow through

32. Surprise your spouse with his or her favorite candy bar

33. Tell your husband you think he is still heart-throbbing handsome, or your wife that she's still drop-dead gorgeous

34. Read a story to your children

35. Kiss your kids goodnight and tell them you love them

36. Listen to your teenager as he or she babbles on about what matters to her

37. Go to a game or concert where your child or grandchild is participating

38. Praise your child for something he or she did well

39. Tell your mother what a terrific grandchild she has, within ear shot of that child

40. Thank your child's teachers for all they do

41. Visit a sick neighbor

42. Take a simple meal to a homebound neighbor, then stay and eat with them

43. Give blood to the Red Cross

44. Read a good book and recommend it to friends who also might enjoy it.

45. Watch a funny movie and enjoy a few belly laughs

46. Write in your journal-it's therapeutic

47. Apologize to someone in your family you may have offended

48. Send an email of gratitude to a public servant, your local fire department or police force

49. Tell someone in the military that you appreciate their service

50. Take a walk and notice what a beautiful world we live in

51. Recognize yourself as good person and stop being so hard on yourself

52. Snuggle with your spouse every chance you get

53. Tell your husband that you love him, or your wife that you love her

Celebrity company!!! #neighborlove #thesoccerstar/coach @ezraofficialig doh kill me eh hahaha

A photo posted by Aretha A Shallow (@arethashallow) on

54. Thank your spouse for the little things he/she does for you

55. Say a prayer each night and thank God for all He does for you

When you make a habit of these suggestions, you are bound to have the best year you've had in a long time. 2017 may well be your happiest year ever.

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