With so much violence and hatred in the world these days, it can be easy to feel like some dark force is closing in on you every day. During these times of despair and heartbreak, it seems as if the light has been all but snuffed out by the circumstances of the world.
But what many tend to forget is how even the smallest light from a tiny match can be seen from up to 30 miles away. How amazing is that? The tiniest source of light can still be seen for miles, and it's just enough to fill you with hope and guide you through the darkness.
Then the question is, where can we turn to find a light in the darkness? Well, here are 10 ways to find light when life has gone dark:
1. Look
Look around at the wonderful things in your life you easily look past every day. Sometimes you don't realize how truly blessed and privileged you are until you take a moment to count all the gracious gifts life has given you: your family, your friends or whatever your blessings may be. Don't let the dark blind you from noticing the brightest parts of your life.
2. Seek
During turbulent times, it is easy to allow your eyes to wander toward the negativity, but if you are waiting for a light to guide you, you have to seek for it. Turn yourself away from judging others, harsh comments and cruel gestures. Those who truly want to light up their lives have to first decide to seek it out.
3. Listen
This world is busy and loud, and the sounds of arguments and road rage can prevent you from hearing the goodness. Whether listening includes listening to your heart, to your mind or simply taking the time to just stop and listen to nature, a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday to listen can be a way to remove the dusty curtains from a window of light in your life.
4. Learn
True power comes through knowledge. Having the desire to learn, grow and develop into a kind and compassionate person is a major step in finding light and being willing to share it with others. No one is perfect. There is always room to improve our talents and attributes. Find your best qualities and don't hesitate to use them for good.
5. Understand
There is a profound quote that says: "We are all so desperate to be understood, we forget to be understanding." It's true, everyone longs to be understood by others, and they long to share their opinions as well, but in that quest to be understood, we shouldn't forget to be understanding and respectful of other people. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Not every disagreement has to end in violence or belittling words. Being respectful to every single person regardless of race, religion or lifestyle is one sure key in finding light and happiness.
6. Love
Love has the capacity to change even the most hardened and bitter heart. With the world being so distracted by social media and technology, it is much easier to fight with one another these days that it has ever been in the past. People do not hesitate to throw careless words at one another from the comfort and safety of their homes. Do not be an advocate of hate and add to the negativity. Instead, have the courage to share kindness and compassion because those are the qualities that will truly bring about the change the world needs now.
7. Serve
The most powerful tool in finding the light in darkness is serving others. Being selfless and using your time to bring others to their feet and out of their pits of darkness is one of the most valuable actions you can do. Take the time to serve and reach out to the people who truly need it in your life. The smallest act of kindness can be considered service, and that one act can cause a chain reaction that could bring about positivity and light across the world.
You can bring light into your life and the lives of others by giving the gift of light. Refugees in Uganda don't have access to light, inhibiting their ability to access water, care for family at night and get an education. Zero Impact Living is working to change this and you can be apart of this effort too. Help others to find the light in a dark world by sending a flashlight to refugees in Uganda today.