One of the best things about being in a relationship is that you always have the perfect workout partner. Your special someone already loves you and can encourage, support and help push you to reach your fitness goals-all while you help them to do the same.
Most importantly, studies have shown that couples who exercise together have stronger relationships and a deeper emotional connection with one another.
The only hard part in working out with your spouse is trying to think of effective exercises that you can both do together. Look no further because here are nine fun exercises couples can do to strengthen both their bodies and their relationship:
1. Wall sits
Sit next to each other with your backs straight and pressed flush against the wall. Ideally your legs should be at about a 90 degree angle. If this is too difficult then you can practice leaning up higher against the wall until you're able to work up to a 90 degree angle.
You and your spouse can determine the amount of time you do the wall sit for. Additionally, you can further intensify the workout and better strengthen your core by passing a medicine ball back and forth.
2. Resistance push-ups
This is a simple exercise that involves one partner lightly pushing down on their spouse's back while he or she does a push-up. The person with their hands on their partner's back creates resistance as their spouse pushes up. The more resistance, the more effective the exercise will be.
This workout can be done with regular push-ups as well as push-ups done on one's knees.
3. Hand shake push-ups
This is another variation of push-ups designed to strengthen the upper body. Start by facing your partner while both of you are in the pushup position. Together, go down for a pushup and shake right or left hands with each other as you come up. Repeat this same motion with your opposite hand and continue to alternate.
You can choose to either shake or slap hands and once again this exercise can work with both regular and knee pushups.
4. Couple's planks
This exercise can be done by facing each other and holding the "plank" position with your elbows on the ground with your legs and back kept straight. You can even grab hands with your elbows down with your partner to help support and balance one another. This workout can also be down side by side if you're too tempted to laugh while facing your partner and staring into their beautiful eyes.
5. Resistance weights
Any work out with weights can be made even better with your spouse's help. In addition to being your spotter, your partner can lightly apply opposite resistance to whatever weightlifting exercise you choose to do, thus making it more effective.
6. Squat-and-throws
Stand facing your partner about 8-10 feet apart. One of you will start holding a medicine ball and together you will do a synchronized squat. When you come up from the squat, whoever has the ball will throw the ball to their partner and then he or she will do a squat with it before throwing it back.
7. Connected sit-ups
Sit down facing each other and put your feet together. You can then choose to either do sit-ups simultaneously or take turns alternating. Toss a medicine ball back and forth to intensify this work out and make it even more effective.
8. Lying leg throw downs
For this exercise, one partner lies on the ground while the other stands directly over the head of the other. The person on the ground will grab their partner's ankles and raise their legs toward their partner while keeping them as straight as possible. The person standing will then repeatedly push their spouse's legs back down. Switch positions after completed the desire number of reps.
9. Couple's cardio
This is probably the easiest workout you can do together as a couple because you can basically do anything that gets your heart beating for an extended period of time. Find an activity you both enjoy. Running, biking, dancing, tennis, racquetball, basketball, soccer, and swimming are just a couple of fun ideas.
The best part of working out with your spouse is that the health benefits don't just stop when the two of you leave the gym. Since you already spend most of your time together, you can also help one other eat better and make other health-conscious choices while at home.
Now it's time for you to get out there and sweat with your spouse!