Hosting a party on a budget can be simple. Good planning, organization, and a little money will set the mood for your event.
Before you begin your endeavor, it is extremely beneficial to have a plan. Your plan should include a specific budget amount, theme, and food ideas. Once this BIG step is accomplished everything else will just fall into place.
1. Comparison Shop
Give yourself enough time to shop around. Consider shopping online. Ordering directly from party suppliers will save you money by cutting out the middle man.
2. Shop at Discount Stores
Local dollar stores can give you a jumpstart on items you may need. You can pick up paper plates, cups, plastic ware and even items to keep your smallest guest occupied. From bubbles to bouncing balls, kids can be affordably entertained. Stay away from specialty party supplies stores. Unless you are looking for something specific, you will often end up paying more for that item.
3. Shop with coupons
If you have a long-term party idea in mind, search for deals or sales and stack them with a coupon for significant savings.
4. By store brand items
No time for coupons? No worries. Buying store brand items instead of major name brands will help you stay within your budget. Plus, if you purchase these items and place them in your "fancy dollar store bowls," no one will ever know the difference.
5. Make your own food
Purchasing prepared food from a caterer or local restaurant can be expensive. Making your own food can save you money, but can take up a lot of your time. Think freezer food, such as casseroles. Defrost the day before, bake it and voila!! Easy as pie"�.Oh! You can freeze that, too!
6. Make your own decorations or use what you already have
Use seasonal holiday lights by stringing them around your table umbrella or decking. This can really set the mood for an evening party. Consider using inexpensive mason jars, tea light candles, or decorated paper bags with tea light candles for path lighting. Repurpose old sheets into table cloths or turn old tee shirts into place mats. Your imagination has no limits.
7. Make your own party invitations
Let your computer work for you. Personalized invitations don't have to be expensive. Most word processing software has free, ready-made designs, or you can search the Internet for free templates. It is surprising to discover how many websites offer free downloadable party invitations.
8. Consider using E-invites
E-invites are accessible, low cost and can actually help you organize. Some sites will help you track your RSVP's. Also, consider using social networks. It's an efficient way to inform guests of the event or any last minute changes.
9. Fun is Free
Entertaining your guests can be as easy as talking and simply enjoying each other's company amid a pleasant, welcoming atmosphere. Enjoy your time together.