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Are you the queen of Pinterest fails? Maybe it's best to go back to the basics. Here is a list of courses to help you improve your creative skills.

Crochet: Basics & Beyond

Get started with crochet! From holding your hook to creating a beautiful granny square blanket, get the techniques you need to crochet with confidence!

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My First Sweater

If you can knit and purl, you can make an amazing first sweater you'll love to wear. Knit along with Amy Ross to create a classic raglan pullover or a cute cardigan.

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40 Techniques Every Sewer Should Know

Learn to read between the lines of any sewing pattern as instructor Gail Yellen teaches you 40 essential techniques that every sewer should know!

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Design Your Own Handbag

Design and sew your very own high-fashion handbag in this class taught by author, designer and television host Brett Bara.

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Family Photography: Candid Moments & Storytelling

Capture everyday moments with timeless family photos!

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How To Sell Crafts Online

Everything you need to know to start a creative business today.

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