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As the end of summer begins to draw nigh, all of the time we have spent keeping the kids entertained is starting to take a toll. Plus, now it is time to begin thinking about the long list of back-to-school preparations that must be accomplished in the next few weeks. If you are like many other parents, it is easy to become burned out and overwhelmed.

August 10 is Lazy Day. This day is designed to help you recuperate and relax. It is a day to forget about your stress and get yourself physically and mentally prepared for the stressful back-to-school weeks ahead. Here are several ways you can celebrate Lazy Day.

Find a babysitter

Give yourself several hours of "me"� time. Send your children to a babysitter or a family member for a few hours. Get them out of the house and do what you want to do.

Put on your Lazy Day clothes

We all have a favorite pair of pajama pants and a large, oversized T-shirt that we love to wear. Pull out your favorite pair of comfy clothes, pull your hair up and don't worry about what you look like. On Lazy Day it is also recommended that you find your favorite blanket and snuggle with it for most of the day.

Put your to-do list in your drawer

While the kids are gone, you may be tempted to pull out your long to-do list and get some tasks checked off. Don't do it. Lazy Day is all about recuperating. It is a day where you should not worry about your productivity. You have tomorrow and the next few weeks to get things done. Today, you need to mentally prepare yourself to tackle the list. So put the list in a drawer, forget all about it and relax.

Find three favorite movies

On Lazy Day, it is OK to spend the day on the couch, in your pajamas, with your favorite blanket. Start the day by finding your three favorite movies. Don't leave the couch until you have watched all three. When was the last time you were able to do that?

Take a trip to the library

Before your Lazy Day celebration begins, take a trip to the library and find a book that you wish to read. If you enjoy reading, spend the day with the book. Don't worry about anything else and especially, what you could be accomplishing. Instead, worry only about the storyline and what is about to happen in the next chapter.

Eat some chocolate

Sometimes all you need is a little chocolate. No Lazy Day would be complete without chocolate. But remember, don't go overboard. There is no reason to have a stomachache on this day of relaxation and since the gym doesn't fall into the category of laziness, make sure you don't overdo it and gain a few extra pounds.

There are a variety of things you can do to be lazy and relax. On this day, do things you want to do. Use this time to prepare yourself for the weeks ahead, because life is only going to become busier.

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