We all do things that we are not proud of - especially to our spouse. We may say something rude and inconsiderate that places us directly where we don't want to be - the doghouse. When this happens, it should be our top priority to make amends and find a way out of that dreaded place.

July 15 is National Get Out of the Doghouse Day. This day is designed to help us make up and be on pleasant terms once again with those we love and cherish the most. Below are five ways you can get yourself out of the doghouse.

1. Pitch in

There are few things that can touch a person's heart like helping out around the home without being asked. If there is a chore or task that your spouse dreads, do it for her. Don't wait to be asked to get something done, just go ahead and do it. Your spouse will be pleased when she sees the task complete. A small "Thank you" can go a long ways.

2. Leave a note

Tell your spouse how much you love and care for him in a note. Pour out your heart to him. Let him know how sorry you feel about an incident and ask for his forgiveness. Let him know why you love him, what you admire about him and how much he means to you. You can tell him these things over and over, but if you place it in a note, he can reread it again and again.

3. Buy a present

Buying a present for your spouse will not work for everyone. Many individuals would rather receive a heartfelt gesture than something store-bought. But, if your spouse does not mind a surprise gift, go for it. Buy flowers, tickets to a sporting event or a dozen gourmet cupcakes. Find that perfect item that will let your spouse know you were truly thinking of her and didn't just buy the first thing you saw when you walked into the store.

4. Make a romantic gesture

Think of some romantic gesture for your spouse. Take him or her on a romantic, candlelight dinner. Send all of the children away for an evening and spend time alone with rose petals, candles and soft music. You know your spouse better than anyone else. Find something he or she would enjoy and put your plan into action.

5. Give your spouse space

Sometimes when your spouse is angry, all he needs is a little space. Give him some time and a little room to calm down and clear his head. Make sure he knows that you love him, you are sorry and when he is ready to talk, so are you. Communication is critical when you or your spouse is angry. If you don't talk things out, you can guarantee you will be in the doghouse for long period of time and a lot more often.

It is possible to make up and forget about the mistakes you or your spouse have made. You love each other. You care about each other deeply. Don't let something stupid put you in the doghouse. Apply these five suggestions and you may find a little more happiness in your marriage.

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