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Marriage might save your life.

It has been scientifically proven committed couples live longer and healthier lives.

According to a recent study published in the "American Journal of Epidemiology,"married individuals experience higher levels of physical health, psychological well-being and emotional stability. Over all, they are healthier people because of their union.

Not convinced? Below are five scientifically proven ways marriage saves your life.

Marriage decreases the risk of cancer

Marriage has been linked to improve the survival rate from bladder cancer. In a recent study, researchers gathered 202 patients, some married and others not, who were undergoing a cystectomy for bladder cancer.

In the sample gathered, 74 percent were married and displayed an improvement in pre-operative laboratory variables, stayed in the hospital for less amounts of time and portrayed significant improvement in pathological outcomes.

Marriage means less risk-taking

Would you believe me if I told you more wedding rings could mean less handcuffs?

Getting married is seen as "settling down" for a reason. Recent research shows mellowed-out men had fewer signs of risk-taking behaviors because they were married.

Marriage provides higher levels of physical and psychological health

Married couples experience something called the protective effect. Research notesthat a sense of protection and being well cared for encourages couples to engage in healthy lifestyle habits.

Married couples have long been noted to smoke and drink less, encourage each other to participate in a healthy diet and balanced work out regime and provide unmatched emotional support.

Marriage gives way to higher incomes

Looking for more dough? Get married.

In multiple cross-sectional income and wage determination studies, findings show married men have higher incomes than single men. This correlation is due to the "wives effect." A man supported by a wife - who improves household decision-making process, motivates her husband to work hard and provides emotional support - will consequently be perceived as a stable and responsible employee, one to promote and work with long-term.

Marriage protects hearts ... literally

Patients undergoing heart bypass surgery who are married are twice as likely as unmarried patients to be alive after 15 years.

Researchers from the University of Rochester found marital satisfaction played a significant role in long-term survival after the major surgery.

"A nurturing marriage provides patients with sustained motivation to care for themselves and gives them a significant reason to 'stick around so they can stay in the relationship that they like,'" said Kathleen King, PhD, RN, FAAN and professor emeritus from the University of Rochester's School of Nursing.

Although marriage is a strong and powerful tool for an individual's health, it remains a mixed bag. A poor relationship with your spouse can be lethal to your physical and emotional well-being just as much as a strong and fortifying marriage can be life-saving to your physical and emotional health.

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