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Required Supplies

  • Video camera
  • Family journals (or your memory)
  • Dress-up clothes
  • Random props

Ready, Set, Adventure!

  1. Gather the family together and watch this video.
  2. Film your blockbuster by selecting one of these options: Film an Action Movie OR Film a RomCom
  3. Watch your flick together as a family.
  4. Once you've watched your film together then watch this video.

Mission Debrief

What was the best part about making the movie with your family?
Did any problems arise? If so, how did you resolve them?
What new things did you learn about your family?
What will your next family movie be about?

Don't Stop Believing

Pay attention during this experience to times when your children seemed to really enjoy themselves or were able to exel in certain areas. Find moments throughout the week to pull them aside and compliment them on a job well done. It's also a good time to take note on what natural skills they might have and encourage them to continue to foster those skills.

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