Life tends to throw us in a million directions each day. Our to-do lists are continually growing and it seems like finding a little "me"� time is almost impossible. June 19 is World Sauntering Day. This day encourages you to slow down, take a deep breath and pamper yourself. Life is to be enjoyed, not endured and this day is an excellent reminder of that fact. Below are several ways you can forget about your never-ending to-do list and have a little fun.
Do something you enjoy
As a parent, or even as a spouse, we do things to make our family members happy and we put our well-being on the backburner. Today, do something that you want to do. Whether you want to spend the afternoon at the mall or gym, do something for yourself. This is the perfect time to go to the spa and get a relaxing massage or gather your girlfriends and go out for lunch. Don't worry about anyone else but you today.
Be Active
When we are active, endorphins are released throughout our body. These chemicals affect our mood and our happiness. Find a way to become active and get those endorphins flowing. Take your children to the park or out for a bike ride. By getting your children out of the house, you are also aiding in their overall health and are creating priceless memories.
Go on a date
Spend some quality alone time with your spouse. As life gets going, you and your spouse become busier and most likely don't spend quality time together like you should. Go out to dinner, bowling or just for a long walk or car ride. Don't set a specific time when you must be back home. Enjoy yourself and one another's company. Spend time talking about you, your spouse and your relationship. Try to avoid talk about your busy schedules and upcoming events. Just get to know each other a little better. You need that time together.
Take a trip
Be adventerous and go on a day trip. It doesn't have to be someplace far away or someplace you have never been before. Just get away from your monotonous routine and explore. You can go on a hike, to a local swimming pool or a museum. You can even take a drive to the nearest city. Just get away and enjoy a new view of scenery.
Visit extended family members
Sometimes when life pulls us here and there, we don't stay in touch with our extended family members as we should. World Sauntering Day is the perfect time to spend an entire day with people you love. Slow down and just visit. Discover what is going in on in your family member's life and get to know them a little better. And if your family doesn't live nearby, give them a call or send them an email. Just let them know how much you love them and that you truly do care.
World Sauntering Day is the perfect time to slow down and just relax. Spend a day focusing on you and what you need. Let the to-do list get a little longer - you always have tomorrow.