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If you want to be fiercely healthy, surround yourself with advice from those who really understand food, nutrients and how it all affects your body.

We've taken a look at what multiple registered dieticians (RD) eat on an average day, so you can make little changes to be healthier today.

Water, water, water

Each of these dieticians mentioned drinking enough water. Buy a 32 oz. water bottle to help keep track of how much you get in a day. If it helps, add natural flavoring (mint, fruit, etc.) if that's what it takes you get your daily 64 oz.


Less than 86 percent of Americans get enough vegetables every day, according to a 2015 study by the Center of Disease Control. You should be eating at leastfive servings of vegetables everyday. Breakfast, which is frequently used as an excuse to eat dessert first thing in the morning, is a great place to try to sneak in veggies.

Green smoothie with plenty of protein

Good thing green smoothies are a thing out here. Our bowels were screaming for these bad girls #tmi? #ohwells

A photo posted by healthy cooking & other thangs (@foodheavenshow) on

Registered dietician Jessica Jones and creator of "Food Heaven Made Easy" recommends making a green smoothie that's heavy on greens and protein. Be cautious on the amount of fruit you throw in. You can add protein in your smoothie with Greek yogurt, tofu, chia seeds, hemp seeds or nut butters.

Try her Perfect Green Smoothie recipe here.

Eggs with veggies

Author and licensed Dietician Cassie, focuses on including a protein, carbohydrate and healthy fat in each meal. For breakfast she has eggs with a vegetable that she cooks in a healthy fat (like olive oil).

"The truth is that dietary cholesterol does NOT raise cholesterol. It's also true that the majority of nutrients and healthy fat are found in the yolk of the egg," Cassie wrote on her website.

On weekends she prepares protein pancakes or an egg bake to freeze for days when she is in a rush. You can find the pancake recipe here, and the egg bake recipe here.

Peanut butter banana toast

Lisa D'Agrosa, RD, eats a whole grain English muffin with peanut butter and bananas as a go-to meal.

"Peanut butter is rich in healthy fats and protein to help fill me up and the whole-grain English muffin delivers fiber which is also filling," Lisa wrote on Eating Well.


Most people don't have a lot of time for lunch, because, well, they are busy doing life stuff. These dieticians could totally relate.

Veggie and grain salad bowls

Vegan Kale Caesar Salad recipe is new #ontheblog today - link in profile! Enjoy! Makes a great packed #lunch. ?

A photo posted by Anne Mauney, MPH, RD (@fannetasticfood) on

If you feel like you can't stay full from a salad, you're probably eating it wrong. RD Anne, who blogs at Fannetastic Food, eats a filling veggie bowl.

"They're so satisfying and keep me full, too! I usually do some sort of greens + other veggies + canned beans + a grain (quinoa, brown rice, etc.) + avocado and/or feta cheese + balsamic vinaigrette," she told health blog Peanut Butter Fingers. "It's a really good mix of protein, healthy fat and carbs, and the volume from the veggies really helps with satiety, too."

Find one of Anne's bowl recipes here.


If you get in the practice of making healthy dinners, you can just bring the leftovers for an easy lunch. This is how most of the dieticians did lunch.


These were the most common snack preferences of all of these dieticians:

  • Apples or pears with peanut or almond butter.

  • Hard boiled egg.

  • A small bowl of Greek yogurt with fruit.

  • A handful of nuts.

  • A small bowl of cottage cheese.

  • Hummus and carrots.


As your last meal of the day, make this count. And, as mentioned above, make enough to use as a healthy lunch for the next day.

Soups loaded with beans and veggies

Soups are the miracle food that you can throw anything into. RD Lindsay who blogs at The Lean Green Bean said she likes to make big pots of loaded soups full of lentils and veggies. Find her recipe for Spicy sausage, lentil and kale soup here.

Zucchini Lasagna

Find little ways to substitute vegetables when you can, like Jessica Jones did with her Zuchini lasagna. You can find the recipe here.

"I made this same lasagna last weekend and it was SHUT THE FRONT DOOR fantastical," Jones wrote on Buzzfeed.

Salmon with veggies

#Lunch with a side of people watching. ? #salmon #kale #quinoa #hitthespot

A photo posted by Anne Mauney, MPH, RD (@fannetasticfood) on

Dietician Cassie said her fallback is a grilled piece of salmon drizzled with olive oil and steamed vegetables on the side.


At the end of the day, we all crave a little treat (and a reward for making it through the day). This is how these dieticians satisfy their sweet-tooth cravings.

Dried Tart cherries

Lisa D'Agrosa opts for a simple handful of dried tart cherries and nuts.

Sweet potato pies with homemade whip cream

Creating a low-calorie, vegan, gluten free mini- pie recipe for you guys and MY GOD this is hands down one of my favs. Recipe up Tuesday.

A photo posted by healthy cooking & other thangs (@foodheavenshow) on

Jessica Jones made these little sweet potato pie beauties. Find the recipe for the pies and whip cream here.

Dark chocolate

#loquecomelanutri #chocolate #chocolateoscuro #darkchocolate #seasalt #salmarina #dopamina #serotonina #happypills ❤️

A photo posted by Melania Cevo Castro (@melacevo) on

Lisa D'Agrosa had a small square of dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is rich and more likely to satisfy you with just one small piece.

And there you have it. There is no one right way to be healthy, but these ideas can help you make better eating choices to get the nutrients you need and have the energy you want.

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