Wintertime can make date night a challenge. It comes down to two options: deal with the cold, or stay inside. Here are several ways to make bundling up seem worthwhile, as well as dates that keep you happy and warm at home.
Go ice skating
If you're like me and never learned, this can still be a fun date. You can find someone who is willing to teach you (like your spouse, if you're lucky) or go to the rink and have fun, even if you tend to fall - a lot. You might be impressed with how good you get by the end of the date.
Have a carpet picnic
This works especially well in front of a fireplace, where you can roast hot dogs and marshmallows. If you're missing warmer days, pretend it's summer and eat other picnic foods, like potato salad and corn on the cob.
Take a walk in the cold followed by hot chocolate
Call me crazy, but I love putting on a cute hat and scarf and walking hand-in-hand with my husband. We admire the icicles, give each other cold kisses and watch our breath come out in puffs of steam. A little peppermint hot chocolate at home finishes off a sweet, romantic date in the perfect way.
Write a pen-and-paper letter and send it
When is the last time your grandma heard from you and your spouse? What about that friend from college with whom you (sort of) keep in touch? It's probably time to send a handwritten letter, which is more quaint and meaningful than a quick email.
Build a snowman or go sledding
Even if you don't live somewhere with snow, a little creativity allows you to do something very similar. Stack and decorate pumpkins like a snowman or bring out a skateboard. This is your moment to act like a kid with cabin fever. Enjoy it.
Curl up with a crossword puzzle
My husband and I love doing these. Crossword puzzles come in a wide range of difficulty and can be found in almost any newspaper or online. Your spouse will probably surprise you with the interesting bits of knowledge he or she contributes.
Learn to ski or snowboard
If you're willing to go on a little weekend road trip learning these snow sports can be a memorable adventure.
Get a puzzle and put it together
Jigsaw puzzles allow for teamwork and conversation to flow freely. That means you're essentially practicing marriage skills, even though it feels like you're just passing the time.
Wintertime doesn't have to mean your dates get boring. Use these ideas to enjoy your time with your spouse, then make sure to snuggle under a blanket for a while, enjoying the fact that another winter means another year together.