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Sometimes all it takes to lower your anxiety is to simplify a few aspects of your life. But where to start? Just try revamping your closet.

Wearing a uniform - by choice

New York Times writer, Bryan Moylan, decided to start wearing a uniform of his own creation to work; the same shirt and suit. "My uniform, I thought, would free me from the daily anxiety of standing in front of my closet wondering, 'Does this match?' or 'Am I wearing this sweater too often?'" Moylan said.

He said that at first he was worried people would view him as lazy, but relaxed, knowing he would be dressed well for most occasions. His uniform took the daily pressure off because choosing outfits was no longer necessary - it was a pre-made choice.

Research spots a correlation

We've all heard the saying "dress for the job you want". But how much truth is in that saying? The New York Times article stated the following, "Research supports that correlation between self-confidence and the way we present ourselves. In one study from 2012, people were given a coat and told it was either a doctor's coat or an artist's smock. Researchers found that the subjects paid more attention to certain tasks when they thought they were wearing a doctor's coat, but that there was no improvement in performance when they thought it was an artist's smock."

What we wear affects how we act and think. Think of children in Halloween costumes and how they try to act the part; it's the same with adults in uniforms.

Making an impression

Not only does dressing a certain way change how we think and act, but it also changes how those around us perceive us. People are more likely to respect and admire a person dressed professionally than someone who is wearing jeans and a hoodie, unless of course, the job requires a more casual outfit (in that case, you'll come across pretentious when you're overdressed).

Stylist and author Lauren A. Rothman teaches "capsule dressing" which simplifies your closet while still allowing for variety. Rothman said that people only wear about one-quarter of what's in their closet. While creating outfits out of that twenty-five percent allows for variety, while still staying professional, "the problem with variety is that it is unpredictable and can be unsuccessful," Rothman said. "A uniform does communicate who you are. It is great if you have consistent messaging every day about who you are and what you wear will show that."

Simplifying your life

Take this bit of stress out of your routine by not having to worry about what to wear every day. Simplify your life by condensing your closet to what you actually wear. Make sure the items that stay are ones you feel good and comfortable in - and fit your job description or desired job. You'll also have less laundry to worry about as well, which is an added bonus.

You can dress comfortably, professionally, and in a way that helps you "act the part" by taking control of your wardrobe.

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