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Your eyes, lips, cheeks and eyebrows create a beautiful canvas ready for you to enhance with makeup. But to get the best look possible, you need to do your makeup according to your face's shape.

Everybody has a face that resembles one of five shapes: oval, oblong, round, square and heart. Each comes with areas to highlight and features to bring out. Follow this guide for a quick way to look your very best:


For oval-shaped beauties, apply blush to the apples of the cheeks to keep the color centered. Just remember to keep the blush light because too deep of a color can make your makeup seem washed out. If you apply too much blush you can dust a light powder on top to smooth out the color.

When it comes to eyeshadow, keep it simple. Blend dark tones outwards and only overlap the eyelid's crease slightly. For lips, outline with a darker tone and pop on some gloss for a quick and easy way to get definition.


All lovely oblong-faced ladies should apply blush to cross the apples of your cheeks. Many people confuse this phrase and apply color right next to their nose. What you want is to have rosy pink blossoming right below your cheekbones. To highlight your eyes, blend your eyeshadow in a V-shape. Plump up your lips with your favorite gloss or lipstick and you are ready to go.


It can be difficult to know how exactly to apply makeup for this gorgeous face shape, but there's no need to worry with this guide. Angle your blush brush in an upwards motion to blend out towards your cheekbones. Keep your eyes natural with lighter colors that don't extend past the crease. For a more dramatic look, follow the eyeshadow guide for the oblong facial shape. Lightly highlight the upper lip of your mouth and leave the bottom lip full and plump to round out your look.


Better known as the "Angelina Jolie" face shape, ladies with this iconic shape want blush to swing upwards (near the cheekbones) to balance out a strong jaw line. Overall, keep things sweet and simple. Highlight your eyeshadow, blending it in a motion that reaches over the crease line. Keep lips light and lovely; a bright color might be overbearing against your strong features.


This is such a beautiful face shape because you can accentuate all your features without looking like you are wearing too much makeup. Place your blush right on top of your cheekbones, gives you eyes definition with blended eyeshadow and balance the whole look with a touch of color on your lips.

Keep in mind these guides the face shape that fits your face the best. Experiment a little and figure out what works best for your face. Every women should feel beautiful no matter what they have planned for the day!

Illustrations created by Eli Fullmer.

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