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We love these products, and we think you will too. Just so you know, this post contains affiliate links, and if you make a purchase, we may get a cut of the sale (with no cost to you).

Amazon is a wonderful place with thousands and thousands of cool gadgets that you never knew you desperately needed. We've compiled a list of some of the coolest things on their website, just for you ... you'll definitely need your credit card handy before reading this!

Let us know how you like these cool products:

1. This USB port is honestly amazing

Because no one likes to run out of battery.

Buy it here for 15.99

2. Headband with mullet hair

You'll definitely need this someday.

Buy it for only 9.99

3. Countertop toothbrush sanitizer

You always need a clean toothbrush.

Buy it for 24.95

4. This amazing phone case

This phone case will instantly print photos from your phone whenever you want. And, it comes in different colors!

Buy it here.

5. The charcoal blackhead-remover mask

We know you've seen the videos, and you know you want to give it a try.

Buy it here.

6. Crochet beard hat

It'll keep your kid's face warm, which is a definite plus. Also, what's cuter than a bearded child?

Buy it for 19.99

7. This incredible jar opener

Seriously, this is what dreams are made of.

Buy it for 8.68

8. A forever-cold water bottle

I have this, and I use it every single day. If I put ice in it at night, it's still there the next day.

Buy one here.

9. Phone camera lenses

You'll be a professional photographer in no time.

Buy the whole lens kit here.

10. Find your car in any parking lot

OK, this one is truly amazing. Plug this bad boy into your car to charge your phone, check your car battery. Also, it connects to your phone so you can navigate your way back to the car. Awesome.

Get one here.

Let us know if you try any of these cool gadgets, and comment your favorite Amazon finds!

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